pc rig home entertainment centre

12 Nov 2014
Westgate On Sea, Kent
i have a i5-4690k and 8gb 2400mhz ram. i have 2 x 1tb western digital blue drives and a blu-ray LG BH16NS40 drive.

i have a 3d tv system and a 5.1 surround system that will connect direct to my PC.

i have a lot of blu ray 3d and 2d and dvd's.

now what i wanted to know is two things.

what could i add to this to give a mass storage facility for storing all my bluray and dvds on hard drive system. i have spare sats 6gb/s ports but only room for two more drives as have 3 internal drives and 2 spaces used up for card reader and blu ray player/writer.

so what can i had that could be used as a general movie storage system library so i could then play direct from stored movies from hard drive. i use dvd power 15 ultra as my player.

so what extra hardware would i need to have a storage system box external but use the internal sata connection and power supply. hot swap capability so i can keep say 3 or 4 drives in box unit but still be able to hot swap them when i finally run out of room.

second thing is software.

now before any one thinks illegal this part is not as the blurays and dvds all belong to me and it is perfectly legal to make backup copies or rip to hard drives for own personnal use only.

this is the case here. it takes time to get blurays from shelves after trying to read all labls and then play from drive which takes a extra strain on pc rig and slower load up times.

my wish is to rip all contents to hard drives and use a library search system for fast acces to find movies then play with powerdvd 15 ultra.

what i need is name of some very good buy legal software that will allow ripping of bluray 3d and 2d in original full format. so when i play from hard drive they have all subtitles in box live display and all sound tracks and 2d and 3d option. exact the same as playing from blu ray drive.

i have seen ones that rip but ask in what format 2d or 3d and if i use those it means making multiple copies of same film in each format and store on hard drive which would take up far more room than a direct full copy.

a direct copy should allow powerdvd 15 ulktra to just load from hard drive folder and play.

so many formats and tried a few blu ray to buy ripper programs but just cant seem to find one that makes a full copy to hard drive that powerdvd 15 ultra can play. and powerdvd15 ultra should be able to play all formats.

so relly how and what is there to buy so i can transfer all my dvds and blurays 2d and 3d that i have built up over years on to a easier to use hard drive storage system and quicker load times and easier to find movies.

as a disabled person with limited mobility trying to go through my collection on livingroom shelves is not easy and takes time and a bit too much effort.

so can anyone help with hardware setup required to add to my pc and also what software ripper legal to buy would be one that will do a exact copy so i have all features as if i was playing direct via bluray drive.

please. no illegal or fre software as i want software that is legal and with support.

thanks in advance.
your best bet would be xbmc with external player set to powerdvd, xbmc will index etc all your files
use mkv to rip the files

'exact copy so i have all features as if i was playing direct via bluray drive'
I dont know if an iso can be made, does power dvd support palyback from an iso?

how many blu / dvd 's do you have?
MakeMKV is what I used to use. Basically takes exact image of the file (10-30Gb usually) and keeps all that you want. I then used MediaPlayer to play the file, with everything passed through to the amp, so I would still get TruHD etc

I have several hundred movies, so takes a long time to rip each one and eats up the storage quickly.
That's how I started ripping my movies, then realized there was no point ;)
However, ISO image is the way to go, just gets more complicated, as you then to mount the .iso image on a 'fake' dvd drive, then PowerDVD recognizes that and loads up automatically in XBMC. I got it working, but it was a pain and never straight forward.
the whole pc / movie ripping business is a complete waste of time / effort imo . unless your cheap skating it and renting the movie to rip it ( which is illegal ) , what the hells the point ?
thank you for your help.

the whole idea for me is all legal don't worry about that. i'm disabled and wheelchair bound. so working at a console to pick from a library of blurays and dvds is the easiest method for me. having everything available on hard drive storage. the process of putting them on i know will be long but once done its just a case of when i buy a new one rip it then store it. the storage physical space is a problem. so many are in boxes ad rest on shelves. when i started collecting buying dvds and blurays i was not disabled and getting up and about to pick and play was not so much of a issue.

the process of ripping will be slow but i can have a box load at a time on table and work away at them. its a case of do once and its over. while otherwise i need to get boxes or access shelves each time. i am housebound basically and lots of free time on my hands and dont slep much. so watch movies a lot.
just wanted a good storage physical hard drive system via pc or home network that i can then play to tv by wifi or cable and also watch in both rooms livingroom and other. by remote access.

i think iso's can be played but not 100 % sure will need o check. i will leave this question open for a bit and see if anyone else has other software available.

as said i buy a paid for ripper as its supported and also registered.

i don't rent movies as i like to watch the same movie several times. so i always buy.

i would not ask here if it was illegal. i purchased system from here and would purchase additional hardware from here to make the external large storage system. which either connect direct to pc via sata/usb or even a external network device with a large capacity. hot swap drives would be a additional option so when the day comes that i run out of storage on network device i can simple swap a section out at a time.

but would prefer a hardware setup that had a high storage capacity to begin with. so not sure how i would setup a high capacity network storage unit.

the software side as said i have powerdvd 15 ultra and registered.

the ripping software would also be registered just want to make sure i get a good one that allows all features that original bluray has. as sometimes i watch a 3d blu ray in 2d depending on how strained my eyes are and playing from a original bluray allows that feature and also in box live features. subtitles etc and different sound as may be stereo headphones or 5.1 surround.

hence the requirement to do a exact copy of blu ray or dvd.

so any other to buy ripper software please do advise. with thanks for information so far and hopefully other possible alternatives.
your best bet would be xbmc with external player set to powerdvd, xbmc will index etc all your files
use mkv to rip the files

'exact copy so i have all features as if i was playing direct via bluray drive'
I dont know if an iso can be made, does power dvd support palyback from an iso?

how many blu / dvd 's do you have?

at a etimate over last five or six years a couple hundred. some old boxset of tv programs and ones i just picked up over the years. i have increased buying over last couple of years as spend more time in home as not able to get out. so increase of dvds and blurays will spiral as time goes on.
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