PC Spec review Help

28 Apr 2020
I’m trying to run some old games I’ve had and played on various PC years ago and they used to play fairly well and the PC specs where not as good as the one I’m using now.

I play Unreal tournament 2004 with my son and that’s plays fine
But we are trying to play Lost Planet but it jumps about really badly similarly when we try to play UT3 can anyone tell me which on the components in the PC is letting me down?

I have changed the settings within the games to standard but that makes no difference.

specifications as below
I’m running window 10 professional.

CPU intel core i5 4430 @ 3.00Ghz
Motherboard: Fujitsu D3230 Chipset Haswell H81.
Memory: 2 slots of 4gb DDR3 PC3 - 12800 800mhz (no more slots left).
Graphics card: AMD Radeon HD 5450 1gb

Thanks in advance Rob
Hi and welcome Dante.

If we don't split hairs essentially you now "need" new CPU and GPU to tackle most modern games. If you can't afford both (new CPU would also require new RAM and motherboard for a total of £300-£350) then at least a new GPU.

Which PSU does the system have?

As for GPU you could go for RX 580 8GB or slightly better, depending on PSU. No point splashing on a much faster GPU till you upgrade CPU as well. Or at least intend to upgrade CPU within say a few months.

You can also monitor CPU, RAM, VRAM and GPU usage yourself by installing Afterburner + Rivatuner, or similar program. And activating the on-screen display function (and select the components you wish to monitor).
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