PC to Hi-fi

23 Jun 2005
Hi, I would like to connect my pc to my hifi via headphone slot from pc to the game feature the hifi has.

The connection on the front of the stereo (Sony MHC-RG33) has 3 plugs (video [yellow] + 2 audio [red and white])

What connection is this and can I connect it to my pc? If so, what cable is needed?
Depends what soundcard you have, normally 3.5mm to stereo RCA, but if you have a M-Audio 2496 then need stereo RCA-RCA.
Have seen them ranging from £2 in a supermarket to crazy prices in hifi shops.

I've got a £15 Cambridge Audio one because I got fed up with the £2 breaking and only just being long enough.
I've got a decent one to connect my headphone amp (clean output from the PC via USB) to my normal amp) and it cost me a bit, well built though.
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