pc turing itself on??

23 Mar 2006
my uncle has asked me to look at his pc, its an e-machines 390, 2.30ghz celeron 512mb DDR and "3D AGP intel extreme onboard graphics". the problem is, as soon as its plugged into the mains and switched on at the wall it boots up, also "no signal" appears on the monitor. any ideas people?
Booting when switched on at mains - Dodgy / Stuck power button

No signal - On board graphics problem or connection to monitor

Can't be much more help.


its not a dodgy power button, removed the button from the header on the motherboard and it still powers itself on, but if i remove the 20pin plug from the motherboard it doesnt. might try a different powersupply
If you remove the 20 pin from the board then it will not boot because it has no power !

I would be more concerned with the no signal problem , Have you checked the monitor connections ?


i dont know if the pc is booting/posting or not, when i plug it in the power and hdd lights come on and the fans spin up, i unplugged the 20 pin connector to check if the powersupply fan span up automatically when plugged in. also have checked the monitor connection and used several monitors with it, havent had chance to try a different power supply as i couldnt find the old one i thought i had.
geuben said:
i unplugged the 20 pin connector to check if the powersupply fan span up automatically when plugged in.

Just plugging a PSU into the mains to test it won't work.

Some PSU's will not power up unless connected to a motherboard , or hotwired.


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As for the PC switching itself on, it could be the Wake Up on LAN feature (or called something similar to that). You can turn this off in the BIOS.
killer_uk said:
As for the PC switching itself on, it could be the Wake Up on LAN feature (or called something similar to that). You can turn this off in the BIOS.

theres that feature on pretty much all devices. i remember my TV card had that to record things on time.

EDIT. or could it be a low mobo battery?
wake up on lan etc would require a network cable to be attached, the pc powers itself on a soon as the power lead is connected , with absolutly no periferals plugged in, so cant be if key pressed or something like that. i was only testing the powersupply to see if i was faulty (i.e would turn it self on when connected to the mains)
For starters, you shouldn't be trying to use a different power supply in it- a lot of PC manufacturers use different pin configurations to normal models so doing so could cause problems. Secondly, do not try and power up a PSU without a load on it- anyone telling you to do so should not be working with PC's!

I'd try and get the video working first though. Try a CMOS reset- remove the mains power, remove the battery, wait 10 secs, change jumper, replace battery and power up. If that fails then try a graphics card in it but make sure you use the correct voltage card assuming it even has an AGP slot, if not then try a PCI GFX if you have one :) At least if you get the display working then you can see what it's doing when powering itself up but it's possible a BIOS update could fix that :)
Trigger said:
Secondly, do not try and power up a PSU without a load on it- anyone telling you to do so should not be working with PC's!

If that's aimed at my post , then i must disagree.

Many people , myself included , use the hotwire method for testing.


mrdbristol said:
If that's aimed at my post , then i must disagree.

Many people , myself included , use the hotwire method for testing.



No mate, it wasn't aimed at your post. I see it being advised too often- it's simple, you DO NOT power up a PSU without a load on it. You can hotwire a PSU if you feel competent in doing so but you should have something attached to it, even if it's only a fan or something else it'll cause damage to the PSU being operated without a load.
Trigger said:
No mate, it wasn't aimed at your post. I see it being advised too often- it's simple, you DO NOT power up a PSU without a load on it. You can hotwire a PSU if you feel competent in doing so but you should have something attached to it, even if it's only a fan or something else it'll cause damage to the PSU being operated without a load.

My apologies , i was not clear with my post.

I have hotwired my PSU for testing fans , cathodes and water pumps/loops , so there was a load put on the PSU.

Trigger is quite correct in his post.


PC powering up when plugged into the mains = Resume on Mains (I think is the option).
Most bios's have it as an option so that if the system shuts down due to a power cut it can automatically restart when the power comes back up.

I'm not sure about the video issue though
Don't know if this is any help but in the last 6 months i have had 4 E-Machines in for repair,all with faulty power supplies that kill the motherboard.

In all cases i have had to replace both power supply and motherboard,all other components were working fine.All power supplies were replaced with generic ones that worked fine.
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