PC turning off at random times.. but all parts work under stress tests?

11 Mar 2023
(not sure if i can post this here so sorry if i cant and delete it)

I'm working on a computer for somebody and it turns it self off (No errors etc). The pc can be on for 5mins or 5 hours before it turns off. I can be playing games, working on a spreadsheet or it can be just sat there idle when it happens. I have run multiple stress tests on the CPU, RAM, GPU, PSU etc and nothing ever shows up as wrong. It's as if somebody has just pulled the plug on a perfectly good pc (There are no slow downs before the crash etc)
Its currently running windows 10 (2 week old fresh install), i5 6700k (No overclock), 16gb of ram (DD4), 2070 Super GPU. 850W PSU, 2 hard drives (one ssd for o/s and one HHD)

(Only problems i can find)
The CPU (i5 6700k) reaches 48c under load... Which seems very low?
However, after running a three hour stress test it didn't crash and showed 0 Errors.

When checking events logs after a crash it simply says that
The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.

any idea? I don't really have any hardware from that generation to swap in and out. I do have a PSU but it's currently being used in a different system and it would be a ******* to get out.

ANy ideas?!
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