pc turns on by itself

19 Jan 2006
London, UK
recently my pc has been turn itself on, i think it turns on sometimes when slight movement of the case e.g. when i put something on top of the tower. my psu is seasonic s12 600w. and its plugged into a belkin surge protector.
anyone know why this happens?
the only thing is, it only started happening recently, ive had this pc for a while now and its never happened before. I havnt changed anything on bios and havnt been anywhere near the jumpers inside.
The only thing that has changed since this started happening is that ive got a new LCD HDTV monitor. it sounds stupid but would it have anything to do with what plugs are next to what on my surge protector?
things has jus went from bad to worse!
now when i try to shut down my pc it restarts itself.
this is after ive basically taken the whole pc apart and rebuilt it. it was working fine that day and only today it has started to reset itself :S
the only change i can think of is software changes, changing to a new monitor and just yesterday i got a new surge protector.
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