PC Upgrade for GTA 5

21 Nov 2018
Long story short my setup has lasted me a while but I'd like to optimize GTA5s performance on the highest settings as currently I get far too much stuttering/dips in FPS when maxing out the in-game settings.

CPU: Intel Core i5 6400 2.70GHz
Memory: 16GB DDR4 (1050MHz DRAM Freq)
GC: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 960 2GB

If you need any more spec information just let me know.
Any advice is much appreciated, thanks!
guessing your screen is 1080p and 60hz ?

easiest solution is slapping in RX 570 which is on cracking deal here along with 2 games , if can stretch to £200 then RX 580 - again with two games
That's right. So in general you'd consider an upgrade to my graphics card to be the best step? I'm only really interested in peaking performance for GTAV and was unsure if the stuttering was caused by slow memory or my CPU not being to spec, even though my specs are apparently good enough to run the game fine.
while it be worth upgrading that, i doubt that has anything to do with it, have you got the latest drivers?.

by the way, when i said about that weaker system having the same sort of issues i was using the evga 550w gold psu in my sig, so i still reckon its something else or just the game, i swear on xbox one the more content they add the lower the overall performance seems, GTA series has been a glitchy game since it was created.
Yeah I've made sure I'm up to date with my drivers. Its a tricky thing to work out, common sense tells me a better graphics card will give me the most significant performance difference but I figured I'd ask around to get peoples opinions.
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