PC upgrade for video editing - help needed

5 Jan 2019
Hi guys
Ive had a pretty powerful pc for years now but its really fallen behind now that i'm editing 4k video files. Adobe software runs really slow and makes it frustrating to work with. I'm looking to upgrade some parts but don't know what would be the most effective to do first - could you guys help? Ive recently done a benchmark test and attached the results if that helps in any way.
Thanks in advance
For Adobe depending on the budget I'd be looking at something like the 9700k less overpriced than the 9900k, still has 8 cores and has the igpu that Adobe can use for quicksync

How much are you looking to spend?
I have a total budget of around £800 for all the upgrades; processor, motherboard, graphics card, ssd etc


Prem has been upping its game recently - guessing davinci resolve has put pressure on them as well as sales figures for AMD hard to ignore and better support.
2700X and 9700k were Overclocked in the article above are about equal, mind getting 2700x to 4.3ghz is most likely underwater and using Samsung B-Die ram sticks

at STOCK 9700K 8 core boost is 4.6ghz and 2700X 8 Core boost is about 3.8GHZ - so at a native state 9700k will edge out and can use cheaper ram!

If your using Photoshop and Aftereffects then Ryzen does suffer a hit!


so if your just using Prem then AMD is well worth a damn good thought!

Resolve unlike Prem uses GPU power more... but allows Ryzen chips to do well and divert funds to GPU , most 4k uses with resolve are using £500+ GPUs at 4k


With GPU for Prem, min is gtx 1060 at 4k !


mind you RTX 2060 is releasing 15th so gtx 1070 prices might drop a little !

Regarding ram usage

  • 16GB of RAM: Good for editing 1080p – 4K 8bit Projects, with minor usage of background Programs
  • 32GB of RAM: Good for any type of editing with heavy use of background hogs, such as editing large images in Photoshop.
  • 64GB or more: This is recommended if you are editing 8K footage in 10bit or more and rely heavily on having several RAM-hogging Programs open at once such as After Effects or Cinema 4D.

if this is for work, then 32GB

gone over, went for 32GB and RX570 - if you can push funds for RX 580 at £180 then do so or wait till 15th to see if GTX 1060 prices drop along with gtx 1070 .
selected ryzen 2700x B-Stock - 30 day warranty. chip should be fine but a huge saving !

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £837.04 (includes shipping: £11.10)

might save more cash if you can reuse your PSU along with case etc

intel or Ryzen brand new CPU chip looking at £900 mark - intel is WITHOUT PSU

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £894.04 (includes shipping: £11.10)​
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