PC won’t boot following case migration

29 May 2019
Hi everyone I’m Oli

I recently purchased a gaming PC which I have been really enjoying. However, I wanted to move the system into a smaller case (I also added two HDDs) and now the PC is making a strange noise when booting.

At first it would make the noise then boot, but now (after unplugging and replugging various cables) it does not boot.

Here is a link to the noise https://youtu.be/desXDQXJrJA

It may also be worth noting I didn’t put the GPU back in. But I didn’t think it was necessary to test the system. (Intel HD graphics in processor)

Also I didn’t change the Thermal Paste, but I have bought some now. But I’m told that’s unlikely to be causing the problem

Intel i5 3570k
Corsair 650w PSU
MSI Maximus V Gene
256GB Sandisk SSD
1TB WD Blue
2TB WD Blue
Nvidia GTX 970

I built a similar spec when Ivy Bridge was considered new years ago. I had no problems but I am no expert

Any help much appreciated would love to get it running properly again.

Welcome aboard.

Just wondering when that recently was, because I bought newer CPU six years ago...

So plenty of things which could have gotten old.
Like some cheap PSU. (Corsair has plenty of those)
Same for BIOS battery. (CR2032)

First of all try with minimal parts just to get into BIOS.
Meaning no drives and one DIMM.
Also clearing CMOS could help if for some reason BIOs doesn't initialize with integrated GPU.
First remove 2 sticks of RAM, 4 sticks are hard enough to get working properly as it is, but on older systems, even harder, and as others have said disconnect the 2 hard drives that dont have the OS on them, just for now, see if the system boots then, and then start adding things back one at a time, it does sound like a wire is catching a fan somewhere though, but could be that hard drive making that noise.

As everything is so dark, I cant really tell, but I think the offending cable is catching the back fan here:

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