PC won't boot into Windows?

26 Jun 2005
Afternoon all, I'm having problems with my MSI NEO2 Plat. I have 2 x 120GB WD SATA drives in a Striped RAID array and a bunch of other discs with data on, music, pictures etc.

Now the PC boots to the Win XP spash screen but will not get any further. If I reset it and Boot in safe mode I can get into Windows ok, but I can't burn/backup any of my data as the DVD-RW is only seen as a reader not a writer!?
I've even tried restoring the PC in safe mode but to no avail.
Any tips?
ok, the PC is working again, but there is an issue of a missing disc.
Windows is on a striped RAID between two 120GB WD SATA discs, there is also an 80Gb Maxtor drive and a 160Gb WD SATA drive.

All the drives used to be visible from the BIOS, now just the RAID array and the Maxtor drive are. When in Windows the 160Gb SATA drive is recognised by the nVRAID software as a Free Disc, Secondary Master. The Striped RAID array shows two identical discs, one Primary Master the other Secondary Master.
Windows Explorer though cannot see the disc.

I've moved the disc to another machine and it is recognised straight away and all the data is still there.

Whats going on? Any ideas?
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