PC wont boot without keyboard

4 Sep 2005
Hey all

I've got a download box in my room, and tbh i only need a network cable and a power cable plugged into it, as i control it remotely. However this old pc (Dell, P3 500mhz, 192mb ram) needs a keyboard plugged in otherwise it wont load windows. I get a "keyboard error" if it isnt plugged in basically.

This is quite annoying cus i dont want an extra keyboard lying around doing nothing.

Any ideas?
binaryknight said:
are you refering to windows complaining or the bois at boot time?

Yeh its at bios boot time. I've disconnected the floppy drive and cd drive, and dont get error messages on them... hmm
Defcon5 said:
If your controlling it remotley wont it be on all the time?

If so, why not take the kb out after its booted?

Yeh it is on most of the time, its just i had to install stuff etc that needed a reboot. Also, its only on 24/7 when its downloading... but i dont know what to download yet :p
leezer3 said:
It depends on the machine I would think. It worked on my incredibly elderly 100mhz machine, but more modern stuff might check for a response from the kb (You know, the lights flash & stuff :D )
Obviously I'm not responsible for any damage done to your pc ;)


Lol, i think i'll check the bios first :p
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