pc4000 vs pc3200

30 Oct 2005
Anybody got any advice for choosing between these two speeds. The corsair kits are the same price, one cas2 the other cas3. What's the deal?
Timings are better on PC3200 than PC4000. Tighter timings tend to favour AMD more than bandwidth as using a divider doesn't give a significant performance hit.

decto said:
Timings are better on PC3200 than PC4000. Tighter timings tend to favour AMD more than bandwidth as using a divider doesn't give a significant performance hit.


couldnt put better myself!
This is where the beauty of Mushkin Redlines step in. You can run them with tight timings on pc3200 speeds, or slightly looser timings with faster pc4000 speed to keep your overclock 1:1.
so is it better to get the 4000 and run at 1:1 or 3200 and use a 333 divider. planning to get a 165 and A8N-e ultra board?
Explicit said:
This is where the beauty of Mushkin Redlines step in. You can run them with tight timings on pc3200 speeds, or slightly looser timings with faster pc4000 speed to keep your overclock 1:1.
Or the cheaper OCZ Platinum PC4000EB which are exactly the same as the Mushkins.
I suspect you will be using a divider for the 4000 as well as if you're overlcocking the 165 to even say 2.5Ghz you're talking 277Mhz to run 1:1 which may be a bit of a push for some PC4000 (250Mhz) memory.
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