PC4300 Problems.

13 Mar 2006
Hey i have Problems with my ram speed. when i run cpu it say's my ram is running at 133.0 mhz . It is Corsair 1GB DDR2 Value Select 512mb x 2 . What could cuase this . it says it should be 533mhz. also on cpu. when i Check my memory slots. it says one is in slot #2 and the other is in #4 . im not to upto speed with ram, and how it should be placed and proform. is there any fix's for my speed issue's ? thanks a lot .

Hi, im sorry to bump this . but im realy haveing problems. im being out loaded in bf2 by a 1.9mhz. quite alarming :|.

im just confused by my Cpu-z read outs. and how duel memory works. could somone give me a quick exsplanation,


here are my read outs.. and what could i do to .1 get the most of out this memory or .2 Improve the whole system. i.e buying better ram . but what type do i need to look for .

thanks a lot .

Seems like your using a memory divider in the bios thats running your memory slower than it is capable. I don't know what fsb your cpu is running at, but it seems from your screenshots that its 200mhz, which would give you 133mhz memory bandwidth (3:2).

I'd change the divider from 3:2 to 1:1 - that will increase your memory speed to 200Mhz. I'd then change your memory timings to 3:3:3:9 rather than 4:4:4:11.
Hey , after trying a phew things in my bio's . i could not find anything to change the divider , im i did how ever change the FSB . to 830 . just to see what type of effect it would have. the memory Incrased .. a tiny sum, but the divider was then shown as lik 16.3 . i am currently updating my bio's hope this mite give me more options , any tips on changeing the divider. i have a asus P5ND2

thanks a lot . craig.
also i ahve changed the timeing , to 3:3:3:3:9 but , there is 1 more on there .. :14 .. do i need to change this one . orr keep it how its set to default .
What exact CPU do you have?

What you can try is manually typing 266 for the FSB speed in the Bios then also enable the CPU multiplier unlock feature which will allow your CPU to run @ a slower divider but higher FSB to give the same or higher clock speeds.

Make sure that in the Bios you have the SPD enabled for the Ram as you do not gain anything if these settings are not default with value select ram.

The only Intel CPUs which have a default FSB speed of 266 are the skt775 XE (extreme editions) except for the 8 series XE.

Most 775s run their ram @ either 1:1 with a lower CPU divider or 4:3/5:4/3:4 with the default divider.

For me I have found that DDR2-533 @ 3:4 gives 2000+ extra ram benchmarks in Sandra as my ram is running @ 267 Mhz instead of 200 Mhz so the ram write is a lot quicker.
This is my set up

p4 430 3.0 800fsb.
asus p5nd2 non deluxe .

the only place i can manual change the fsb. is useing the *** overclocking tool, i am just about to update my bio's . whats the best thing think to do with the p4 430 ? the clock speed of the cpu is not my major issue . its just my ram is running so dam slow = /
Because you are on the 200 Mhz FSB (quad pumped gives you 800 Mhz) you have 2 options.

1: Type 200 into the FSB in the bios so your ram is underclocking @ a ratio of 3:4 to give you 200xCPU multiplier.

2: Type 266 into the FSB in the bios so your ram is operating @ a ratio of 1:1 to give you 266xCPU multiplier.

Substitute the CPU multiplier value for what the bios says it is. Not sure on a 3.0 Ghz but probably 15 is the default so 15x266=3.990Ghz. Unsure if it will clock this far. If not then it will be 15x200=3Ghz.

A lot depends on your CPU and cooling+ if you increase the vcore. If you do then beware that it can damage/destroy the cpu if you give it too much.

Also make sure in the bios that the AI overclocking setting is set to auto and the CPU unlock feature is set to enable.

Only way your ram will run @ 1:1 1066FSB is if your cpu multiplier/divider is less than 15. The only exception to this is if you have an ES (engineering sample Intel CPU with an unlocked upper multiplier).
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