PC4800-E no post problem.

10 Apr 2004
Just bought a 2nd hand PC4800-E off the MM, installed it along with:

P4 2.53 Northy
2x512Mb TCCD
9800 Pro
480W True blue

Flashed to the latest BIOS by the seller, and CMOS was cleared as per manual before boot.

Now, the green LED turns on, fans spin up etc, but no beeps or post! :(

Tried 2x 256Mb, and 1 256Mb and nothing, so removed the HD, mem, DVD and tried again... nothing.

This mobo was working with the seller, with the Vcore Droop mod and another one.

Ive got my first GCSE at 2, so im going to remove the GPU and try again. Then leave it CMOS clearing while im at school :(

EDIT: Google brings up issues with Antecs and 9800 Pros, great!

Any ideas what It could be :confused:
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AWPC said:
Unplug the main lead from it as well otherwise it retains the bios and cannot clear the cmos.

Yep, I complety removed it, been clearing for 2 hours now gonna test stuff in old mobo.


EDIT: Everything works in old mobo :(

Nope, still no boot. Balls! :(
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james32 said:
had this problem with with my p4c800 when 1st built it
try taking graphics card out then slam it back in
that usually worked for me, always seems to be ati cards that do it.

Nah, tested with two cards now, 7000 Pro and a 9800 Pro, no boot even without a gfx in it :(

Any ideas or is it b0rked?
:| I dont really want to mess with that, the board should have been sold in a condition to post and go.

Doing an overnight CMOS clear, lets see if that allows me to boot :(
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