PCM5122 or PCM5242?



30 Apr 2003
Loved trying different DACs over the years both expensive and cheap, only noticed a difference between chips a handful of times but I'm working on a "cheap" bedside headphone raspberry pi setup.

Pretty much decided on one of the iqaudio boards but can't decide if the pro is worth the extra £12 or not, both will handle my 250ohm headphones but it's whether anyone has tried both chips and noticed a difference or not? So much bull out there, the thing that's got me is better SNR figures on the 5242... but again, it's just stats!
More I look into it the more torn I become!

Out of these two I'd decided on the 5242 but I'm leaning toward a sabre now as it's the same as the dragonfly I love. Problem being most of the decent pi implementations don't have a headphone output.
Can't recall trying a TI unit tbh, been through burr brown and a few very old pcm chips but the dragonfly had been the perfect fit for my tastes so far.

Priority for me really is separation and the width of the sound stage, for me the dragonfly fits the bill perfectly, I just want a nice tidy bedside stack instead of USB sticks sticking out everywhere
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