PDA Phone Combo Advice

30 Nov 2003
In a house
Getting a bit fed up of carrying my Phone (K750i) and a Ipaq around with me all the time.

Im starting to think a PDA/Phone thingy would be a good idea, it must be able to sync with outlook for my work mail, calender and contacts, etc.

only thing that puts me off is the size and speed of them, a friend has a K-Jam and its about at my limit for size but it is dreadfully slow, it dose have all the fretures that i require though.

Does anybody have any experience of a different set-up or know of anything that is soon to hit the market ?
Well I have the MDA Vario (T-Mobiles version of the iMate K-Jam) having moved from a K750i & Dell X50v 624MHz and must say I am well impressed, added a 2GB Mini SD Card and it's my MP3 Player as well :D

It is actually quicker than my Dell X50v running WM5.0 as for some reason it kills the Dell but the Dell with WM2003SE is faster.

The only negatives I have with the Vario is that it doesn't play MP3's as ringtones and doesn't come with a Cradle. I also need to get used to using the keyboard still go for the soft keyboard by default rather than sliding out and using the excellent thum QWERTY keybaord with it.

Got a great deal from T-Mobile as well on Web & Walk Pro 2GB for £8.50/Mth and I can use it as a modem so replicating Lotus Notes from my Laptop.
I've got an orange spv m6oo (htc prophet), it is slower than the old spvm500 and its slower than a normal phone, its usless for texting one handed but would I go back to a normal phone, no way.
I've found that my old se p900 was better on the phone side but the spv is better as a pda

btw se p990 is out soon, maybe worth waiting and looking at
I have a t mobile mda pro which is hoooge, but oh so sweet.

I have webn walk on it so unlimted 3g browsing. It is absolutely brilliant as it takes full size sd cards. I can go to a job take photos then email them straight from the handset or send them via msn. Plus i can vnc in to home server etc. Plus the way it stores contacts etc.

Yes it is big and it takes some getting used to, but i dont think i could go back to anything smaller now.
Don't do it!
As much of a pain as it is carrying two devices, I genuinely believe that smart phones are still not as competant as normal phones for being just "phones". Espcially windows mobile devices. There are lots of things you'll realise that just don't "work" as nice, as smoothly. Lots of thing about your K750i you will miss sorely. I know loads of people, fairly techy ones that have used various differnt smart phones and smart phone platforms and in the ned they go back to a regular phone. Its the crashes, the stupid glitches, the speed, etc, etc that spoil the whole experience.

Think of them as "connected" PDA's and its the best bet. Its why I love my XDA Exec, its perfect as a PDA, and I can leave work on it, my phone is more important that I can take any way and it always works for me.
you have got to remember your making compromises, I think its worth it so you don't have to carry both around with you, I couldn't manage with a full size one though
As others have said, It is a compromise. My SPV M500 is not as good a phone as I would like it to be, and not as good a PDA either (screen is just a touch too small). It is though a fantastic device, and does everthing good enough for me. When my contract is up in August, I will be looking for something similar.
switched from an MPX200 on orange to Vario on T-Mobile.
Love the Vario, runs TomTom, can access our citrix web portal via gprs and now i have push email working can use that for out of hours alerts from insight manager.
Plus its a fairly compact device, has a keyboard when needed.
Web'n'walk is the main reason though.

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