Pentax K30

12 Sep 2005
Anyone got one? I'm seeing reviews showing it to be 'better' than a Nikon D7000 and it's cheaper. Anyone have a comment?

Anyone got one? I'm seeing reviews showing it to be 'better' than a Nikon D7000 and it's cheaper. Anyone have a comment?


Why is the k30 better?
Both have the same sensor, the same LCD and a similar pentaprism (d7000 slightly better), saw speed.

The d7000 has a far better AF system, better menus, better body, better lens selection.

The k30 is a great camera but you shouldn't be shorted sighted. You are buying into a system.
Why is the k30 better?
Both have the same sensor, the same LCD and a similar pentaprism (d7000 slightly better), saw speed.

The d7000 has a far better AF system, better menus, better body, better lens selection.

The k30 is a great camera but you shouldn't be shorted sighted. You are buying into a system.

D7000 has a better AF system, but the rest is subjective and individual to each user.
Nothing wrong with the Pentax lens line up for me, especially considering the legacy glass some of which is superb - Im covered for the focal lengths I like so Im happy.

I borrowed a K30 for a couple of days and Im going to get one on payday to replace my K20D and use the money saved for some nice glass.

Im not trying to start a war, but too many people in here dismiss Pentax for the sake of it without looking at what people actually require.
The K5 was a cracking camera when it came out, the K30 is another good camera, weather sealed with a decent enough AF backed up by some quality glass that isn't stupidly expensive (though the recent Pentax price rises don't help on that front).
It will do just fine for some people who aren't after full frame or maybe will only get a couple of lenses and be happy.

If you want to get really serious about photography, the Canon/Nikon would probably be the way to go for now as long term you will have options for full frame and higher resolutions for now. Having said that, Pentax will release another APS-C camera this year to replace the K5, and are developing a full frame as well.
I just hope they sort out the ridiculous flash sync speed at the same time.
Is there a way where you can attatch a Nikon lens to a Pentax body? Or are they electronically coded to work with just Nikon? Are there adaptors to use multiple manufacturers' lenses instead of being cordoned into one manufacturer set? I thought that with dslr, you buy the body and then buy a lens that fits the body irrespective of the make. Eg. will a Canon lens fit a Nikon?
There are adapters to do this, at least I know a couple of canon users who have adapters for M42 lenses, but Im not sure about the other way around?
D7000 has a better AF system, but the rest is subjective and individual to each user.
Nothing wrong with the Pentax lens line up for me, especially considering the legacy glass some of which is superb - Im covered for the focal lengths I like so Im happy.

I borrowed a K30 for a couple of days and Im going to get one on payday to replace my K20D and use the money saved for some nice glass.

Im not trying to start a war, but too many people in here dismiss Pentax for the sake of it without looking at what people actually require.
The K5 was a cracking camera when it came out, the K30 is another good camera, weather sealed with a decent enough AF backed up by some quality glass that isn't stupidly expensive (though the recent Pentax price rises don't help on that front).
It will do just fine for some people who aren't after full frame or maybe will only get a couple of lenses and be happy.

If you want to get really serious about photography, the Canon/Nikon would probably be the way to go for now as long term you will have options for full frame and higher resolutions for now. Having said that, Pentax will release another APS-C camera this year to replace the K5, and are developing a full frame as well.
I just hope they sort out the ridiculous flash sync speed at the same time.

I love Pentax camera and lenses, but I just cannot recommend buying into a system that is already limited and also has a very uncertain future. Pentax have poor financials and year after year are failing to make any impact on market share. The risk might be OK if there was a large gain to be had, but simply there isn't.

Once you look through the smoke and mirrors you find very little difference between most DSLRs and very little price differences. That is to be expected, all camera manufacturers follow the same laws of physics, the same processes of manufacturing, the same laws of economics and largely source the same components from the same small set of companies. It is wrong to think that Nikon sits on some huge profit margin and milks the consumers, their profit margin is necessarily very low due to market competition- on the low end cameras when the offer cash back offers they often make a loss. Pentax cannot magically reduce the cost of buying the same components as Nikon, in fact with fewer unit sales their costs can only be higher. That explains why for the large part there really is no price advantage in lower-tier camera manufacturers, at least at the low end where everyone is desperate for the same sales. At the high end you might see differences, e.g. Nikon can have a larger margin on a D4 than Sony since Nikon knows professionals will shoot with the Nikon and are heavily invested. A the low end it is a free for all, and Pentax don't even have a high-end body where they could be more cost effective. Pentax aren't even rumored to releases a FF body anytime soon.

The pentax bodies are great, the lenses very nice But they aren't better than Nikon, but you do have a more limited system, you have more risk in the future of Pentax collapsing, but you don't really gain much.
Why is the k30 better?
Both have the same sensor, the same LCD and a similar pentaprism (d7000 slightly better), saw speed.

The d7000 has a far better AF system, better menus, better body, better lens selection.

The k30 is a great camera but you shouldn't be shorted sighted. You are buying into a system.

Just looking at a couple of reviews

They come out quite close but the Pentax is cheaper.

Just looking at a couple of reviews

They come out quite close but the Pentax is cheaper.


Those aren't reviews but a garbage caparison of useless facts with meaningless ordering. Why is it that a camera that is 2mm shorter some how better than another? let alone half the stuff is completely wrong for starters- e.g. they use the same sensor, so who gives 2 hoots that one is 0.1mm shorter on one side?

Who the heck some up with such junk.
Those aren't reviews but a garbage caparison of useless facts with meaningless ordering. Why is it that a camera that is 2mm shorter some how better than another? let alone half the stuff is completely wrong for starters- e.g. they use the same sensor, so who gives 2 hoots that one is 0.1mm shorter on one side?

Who the heck some up with such junk.

OK so how would you separate the two without actually using them?

I am about to return a K30 because I cannot use it to take manual HDR shots. Shake reduction, Timer, AEB and Remote are all on the same menu and only 1 can be selected. It is impossible to take the 3 bracketed shots without manually pressing the shutter!
I am about to take delivery of a K30 and I only read this today, after I had ordered it. I read loads of reviews and specifications and although all of these features are listed as available, nobody mentioned that they could not be used together.
OK so how would you separate the two without actually using them?


By looking beyond the body and checking out some of the stuff that attaches the front and top of it.

Its there where Pentax just can't compete and where the D7000 becomes a better option.
OK so how would you separate the two without actually using them?


They both use a near identical sensor and a similar ASIC giving the same continuous speed. Therefore, there is no comparison here.

The D7000 has a better built mag-alloy body.
For ergonomics you will have to pick up both and see what you want, Nikon rarely skips a beat on body ergonomics, Pentax are usually good as well. One body being 2mm shorter is absolutely no basis for differentiating.

The most obvious differences are the D7000 ha a much better AF system and has an F-mount opening up many options for lenses. The Nikon system has more room to grow into, FF options are available for not much more money. Nikon's financials are very strong, so they have a more secure future. The Nikon flash system is also in general better.

But a k30 is really not a competitor to a D7000, the k5III makes for a much more balanced comparison.
By looking beyond the body and checking out some of the stuff that attaches the front and top of it.

Its there where Pentax just can't compete and where the D7000 becomes a better option.

OK, but my intention is to use a third party lens at least initially so the specification of the camera body is something to look at.

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