Penumbra: Overture The Chase Trailer

Wow, nice looking :)

Has actually made me decide to play the game now...

Think I'll post this in my forum :p Sorry for stealing your link.
is this the free FPS that came out a while ago, you start off in a pitch black room and i think the first puzzle is getting through a keypad/door? Something to do with a artic research centre?
MNuTz said:
is this the free FPS that came out a while ago, you start off in a pitch black room and i think the first puzzle is getting through a keypad/door? Something to do with a artic research centre?

Yeh kinda that was just a tech demo , now its a fully commercial episode... Get the episode demo its not the same as the tech demo
Ive played the demo and found it a little tricky to get used to. But im sure it will be a good game once you have settled and got used to the controls. From what ive seen it seems a little too dark, and using the flashlight would annoy me like it did in Doom 3. Oblivion got me mad when i had to trapse around dark dungeons.
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