People at the Gym :/

22 Oct 2007
Hi, Ok there are a few characters at my Gym...

Character no1 - I would say in his late 40's spends about an hour doing these freaky stretches, he then moves onto his weights and I kid you not starts dancing to the music between reps. Yes this guy is a w*****.

Character no2 - This guy makes a wierd noise whilst doing reps, it sounds like a car tyre being deflated, tzzzzzzzt - tzzzzzzzzt - tzzzzzzzt and so on, I swear it makes me want to run up and punch him :D he's also ginger so it makes it even worse :D

Character no3 - This guy likes to be the center of attention and will perform all types of obscure weight lifting techniques in the middle of the floor with no top on, whilst makes loud grunting noises to show everyone how alpha he is, again W***** :D

Character no4 - I think this dude was gay as he kept following me asking for advice on how to use equipment etc, was a bit wierd tbh,in the end I had to tell him to **** off so he leaves me alone now :D

So my question is, are all gyms full of wierdos like this or should I move to a different one? :p
2 people used to get me when I went. 1 **** with a superman tatoo who loved himself and loudly pranced around the gym thinking he was some type of god, and the old guy who hogged the cardio equipment (mainly the revolving staircase) and left a massive puddle behind, I mean the whole machine was dripping wet ...

Ah yes I forgot, the resident sweaty guy, again this one is ginger and every piece of cardio equipment he uses is left with sweaty drips everywhere leaving it useless for everybody else :p
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