People falling over on banana skins

21 Jan 2010
I always assumed this was just a slapstick thing.- until, o glorious day, I saw it happen.

i was walking to work and saw a woman step on a carelessly discarded banana skin. Her right foot shot up to shoulder level, like she was doing a goose step, and she fell on her arse. She wasn't hurt, and I burst out laughing while other people helped her up.

Anyway, anyone else ever seen this happen?
Did she then step off a cliff, hover in mid air with her legs running furiously, and then fall for about 10 seconds before a big mushroom cloud of dust appeared? :D
Yes, I've seen an idiot laugh at someone else's misfortune.

I once watched a mate put his foot in dog muck.
I made the squelching noise as he did so, he was aware of the fact that I knew it was about to happen.Let’s just say he wasn’t impressed to say the least. :D

Banana skins are deadly, especially if they are turning black.
Not a banana skin but I know someone who was paralyzed from slipping over a dog poo on the pavement.
well that's taken all the fun out of the thread!

curious though, what actually happened that caused them to end up paralyzed? must have been a hell of a slip mixed in with some shockingly bad luck.
This thread after post 9:

I've been wiped out by a wet leaf so I fully believe a banana skin is a viable slip hazard. Luckily it was early, no one saw and the only damage was a wet arse
I slipped on a toad once walking my doge.

Also as a kid I worked on Romford market which back then had loads of fruit and vegetable stalls. There was no end of people slipping over on fruit and crap discarded on the floor.
I've done the whole slipping on ice thing where your legs start moving faster and faster until you go arse over tit. Thankfully my butt took the brunt of it (as well as my pride) and that it was 6am so no one saw
My faith is restored.

A few weeks ago, I was just going off to the bathroom and my wife said "Oh, I've left the window open". I replied "Thanks for telling me, did you think I might slip out of it?".

Bearing in mind it's a tiny window, it opens about 3" at the bottom.

She laughed and said she now has a mental image of going in, finding me there, just me feet sticking back through the window with me dangling down outside. She then added it would be really difficult to do, one would have to have a running jump, go high, above the sink and hit it just at the right angle.

I said that would be easy to do if one slipped on a banana skin and there followed a long and amusing conversation about whether this ever actually happened or not or whether it's a myth and just in cartoons.

Thank you @potatolord
Probably mid 80s on the Creda factory I'd just eaten a banana and decided to to make my mate laugh by placing it down on the floor and I got a ruler and protractor out pretending to measure the distance he should travel when he steps on it (like in the cartoons).
A Manager saw it and quickly got me carted off to his office for a serious safety talk with my own quality Manager.
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