People linking images from my site

18 Oct 2002
Is there any way to stop people doing this? Like instead of displaying the image it will display a different image? Something saying like "stolen from" or something?

And if this can be done if there a way to let certain images be hotlinked? So I can still post images on forums and stuff?

^ Hope that makes sense. :)
Thanks Augmented. That was just what I needed. :)

That will stop people stealing the pics of yummy Reiko. She's all mine. ;)

Edit: Just set it up and went to the site with my stolen picture and it seems to be downloading 100s of KBs. :confused:
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Originally posted by Augmented
Try placing your replacement image in a different directory to the ones you are preventing leeching.

It is. What would happen if you put the .htaccess in the folder with the leechers picture? I think I might have. :confused:
It seems to be stopping some of my sigs working now. :(

How do you remove the .htaccess file? It don't show up in Cute FTP or IE. :confused:

Edit: Never mind I found a guide on how to show all files in Cute FTP and my sigs seem to be working again. :)
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