People walk out of festival of ideas.. because they are offended by ideas

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17 Jan 2016
Valley of Jade
What is happening in todays society that you go to an event called a 'festival of ideas' then half way through people get up and leave because they don't like the ideas being mentioned?

One woman in the article even says;
'Really disappointed with Festival of Ideas and St George's Bristol for giving this man with his dangerous viewpoints a platform.'

It's getting more and more like a monty python sketch these days.

If you aren't a person that is willing to listen to ideas you don't agree with then don't go to an event where all ideas will be put forward.
The pic of tweet shows only 1 retweet, the daily mail are really on the ball! :p

Why is this news, its just some nobody venting on twitter
I would love to know what it's like to be offended by meaningless crap like this. What is their end game? Do they think they are making a beneficial difference by complaining about everything? All I see is weakness.
Some posters in here are like a poverty version of the Daily Mail but without the editorial oversight. Minority issues affecting two or three people, reporting in the Mail Online and regurgitated here with some added outrage.
Tolerant Liberals (capital L because they aren't liberal in the true sense of the word)...... it should be obvious to everyone by now that with almost everything those on the left claim to be the total opposite is usually true. Those who the left accuse of being 'far right' are usually pro-freedom of speech, anti-corporate censorship, want corporations to stop abusing power via T&C's that take away peoples legal rights, don't want to treat people differently based on race/sexuality etc, don't run around in violent masked groups claiming to be fighting pretty much what they themselves are, oh what horrible people!! The problem is people standing up for those things get thrown in with white supremacists who have basically been blown all out of proportion to scare the left into acting the way they do, like brown shirts wanting everyone to fall in line with the "more intelligent, morally superior" collective (where've I heard that mentality before?) or be destroyed for behaving differently or having a diversity of opinion/thought.
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Usually its the reporter doing the walking out and then reporting on the walking out, you've got to love journalists.
The Think of a Number presenter said that his comments about Islam were relevant to the history of maths.

'It was in the context of the history of maths, and what I actually said about Islam was that its origins were violent but that it became the most wondrous religion because it gave us back all the maths that had been lost to history,' he said.

The origins were violent, I don't think (m)any muslims would take issue with that tbh... I suspect the few people offended were 'woke' white people getting 'offended' on behalf of others.
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