People With 3.06Ghz Alu iMacs (2008)

16 Oct 2005
I've got a 24" iMac, 3.06Ghz which I bought in September last year.

Was just wondering if anyone else had the following issues with theirs:

1. When I leave the iMac on and the display goes to sleep it makes a weird static/electronic noise, almost like a sparking noise. It's pretty easy to hear and it does it every time, I've never really thought anything of it, but I'm pretty sure that shouldn't be happening. It seems this static noise comes from the built in speakers.

2. Screen burn/ghosting. It can get pretty bad, only usually happens on the right hand side of the screen and at the top. When I restart, I can see the outlines from Coversutra in the bottom right, the desktop icons on the right hand side and the menu bar across the top. They seem to be there all the time.

Does anyone else get these on their iMacs? Particularly the same model as mine.

Thanks in advance.
Sounds like the display is getting burnt, resulting in damage that will, eventually, get progressively worse. Find your nearest Apple repair company and it should be fixed under warranty (you bought under HE discount IIRC so warranty isn't a problem anyway!)

This is provided you can be away from such beauty for a few days!

O and in answer to your question - no I don't have these problems and mine's just a bit younger than yours.
Does the 24" iMac have an IPS screen?

I sometimes see image retention on my otherwise excellent NEC displays, so it might be trait of the panel type.
Mine is the 2.8 c2d 24" iMac and it gets really bad screen burn. Bought it August last year. Not sure what screen make it is. If I have firefox open for say 30 mins when I close the browser you can see the outline of all the buttons etc in firefox.
Mine is the 2.8 c2d 24" iMac and it gets really bad screen burn. Bought it August last year. Not sure what screen make it is. If I have firefox open for say 30 mins when I close the browser you can see the outline of all the buttons etc in firefox.

Eeek, warranty repair!
It's a 500GB HDD, the clicking comes straight through the speakers though, even with the volume muted. If I switch on my DAC it comes through my headphones instead.
Ive got the 500GB on my 24" and ive noticed no clicking, tho I bought it about Sept last year?

Every screen has an internal switch, and i have known these to go faulty rather often on stand alone screens, I suppose Apple ones could be no different TBH.

Has this started happining recently, or since you owned it?, referring to the clicking, i surrered no hosting or anything TBH.
Not an iMac, but I swear on my 15" MBP when its off I can see a orangey blur in the middle, circle in shape? :confused:

Is that screen 'burn' or is it something else?

(and no justin, it isnt a stain on the screen! :p )
It's always happened, that's why I thought it was normal.

hmm well if its snapping thru the speakers, unless something directly to do with the sound card, you tend to get snapping/ crackling sounds from speakers when an electrical problem happins close to them.

Or does it sound like a physical sounds from it?

Not exactly positive saying that I realise but still...:p
I'll say it again... the clicking is the hard drive and is somewhat annoying but normal. Honestly! It took me ages scrabbling around trying to work out what it is, but some of the drives they use do it. If it does it when the screen is asleep and the mac is not, that's what it is and it's fine :)
I'll say it again... the clicking is the hard drive and is somewhat annoying but normal. Honestly! It took me ages scrabbling around trying to work out what it is, but some of the drives they use do it. If it does it when the screen is asleep and the mac is not, that's what it is and it's fine :) would the HD, cause snapping thru the speakers tho? :confused:

I thought the HDD was at the very top of an iMac.
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