people with message boards here please

2 Jun 2004
which FREE boards do you use, and if you were going to start a new board would you consider changing to something else or stick with what you currently use?

i'm asking this because i'm planning another new board, and i'm torn between which to use. they all have their pros and cons so it would be good to get a bit of feedback from other admins.

and i know vb/ipb are great, but my new board needs to be free (at least until it gets popular).
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well there are quite a few .. opensourcecms has some on demo I think

I use SMF, it's OK .. but IPB and VB are by far and away better.

PunBB I also run (good for little forums, no frills).

Other people have mentioned Vanilla, or others ... but SMF is OK.

You might be able to pickup an old version of IPB (1.3) which was the last before they began asking for money. - I don't know how legal that is .. but the next one 1.3.1 was for money.
I think everyone on here will tell you to stay away from phpBB, it's a nightmare now with constant updates. I run a Vanilla forum which is really good for small groups, but I have had some problems with it. Particularly with the extensions people write, they suddenly stop working and then take the board with it. I don't want to drive you away from it because I love it, but it does annoy me sometimes!

PunBB and SMF are also well recommended, but I've not had any experience of those myself.
at the moment i'm kind of split between phpbb and smf.

phpbb is an obvious choice because i have another forum that uses it, so i already know it well. plus of course soon olympus/phpbb3 is going to be out, so that is looking very good.

on the other hand, i'm playing around with smf (1.1rc3) and liking it a lot. also their dev team seem to have a much better attitude towards adding new features.
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