Perl Editors?

16 May 2005
Got a company with a really old set-up that keep wanting web forms that send to them via a cgi-bin perl script.

Trouble is the perl files seem really sensitive to whitespace, and so while WordPad makes a really nice job of splitting everything up to read, it won't run unless I go back through it line by line in Notepad and delete all the spaces pasting in one of those little [] boxes to indicate a return.

It's making minor mods a nightmare.

Any recommendations?
Scintilla/Scite text editor - Fantastic tool. Uses little Resources.

Vim is also good, depending on your style. If you have developed software for amigas and other platforms you might appreciate it.
Haha yeah true, I am a vi person my self could never get used to using emacs but friends swear by it.
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