Personal email...



18 Oct 2002

Not sure if this is really the right forum for this, but not sure where else to put this question:

I am looking to move my personal email away from gmail and on to my own personal domain. Now my requirements are:

  • IMAP access for use on mobile/ home laptop
  • Webmail access for work, etc

What is the best solution here? I have looked at an option with Exchange Online which seems good, but one of my main drivers to move away from the likes of Google and their 'big brother' network... Moving to an MS solution is probably just paying for the same thing, right?

In that case, my own hosting and then just install some webmail client? if so any recommendations?

I guess one of the nice things about M$ is that all their spam filtering, phishing protection, etc is there and set up - not so much so with my own hosting.

Keen to hear any suggestions on this one.

Yes I do already know all that. My data is never 'safe' as it were whilst in the hands of anyone except me - paid or not.

Really I just don't want to see advertising in my email, and to be honest, just don't want Google knowing so much about me for targeted advertising/ search/ etc.

I work for a large SaaS company that makes marketing software, so am well aware of how difficult it would be to make myself 'anonymous' when it comes to email, and that is not the aim here... I am not going to run my own email server (Not worth the time/ effort/ hassle when it goes down/ doesn't get mail delivered), and I don't have anything to hide really/ I know the Government, M$, etc don't care about pictures of my dog that I send to my Mum, and the details of my latest holiday :)

So - as I said, any suggestions. I am going to run my own domain, yes and am well aware of what I can do with Google about this.
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As I said above, if you want spam protection, decent GUI (Exchange 2010/2013) and not hosted by Microsoft or Google, then you would do well with a non MS/Exchange Online Hosted Exchange offering.

Any specific reccs? I am also interested to see what other people are doing
Yes MrBell, but I am looking for a decent web-gui too for when I am checking mail away from my home laptop! Hence asking what to use for web GUI access

Eulogy - thanks. Maybe a silly question, but when using owa, is it possible to set it to never log you out, like Google mail does?

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