Personal Website Opinions Wanted

31 Jan 2010
I have a domain I use for my emails so thought I would create a simple wordpress site to use as a landing page type thing.

What type of things do people recommend / not recommend be on there?

I will probably put the url on my CV too just incase a potential employers wants to know a little more about me.

So far I have the following:

- About Me
- Current Projects (online portfolio)
- Social Networks (links to the various social networks I am on)
- My Latest Instagram Photos
- Things I Like (companies I like)

If anyone is interested, this is the site I am working with: (trying to keep it simple)

All ideas, suggestions and comments welcome.

Thanks in Advance :)
Love the computer builds idea :)

Was thinking about a blog of some sort, just not sure how much time I could commit to updating it, but might try it and see how it goes.

Do you think the navigation menu should be moved from the bottom to the top? I am un-decided.
Love the computer builds idea :)

Was thinking about a blog of some sort, just not sure how much time I could commit to updating it, but might try it and see how it goes.

Do you think the navigation menu should be moved from the bottom to the top? I am un-decided.

The point in a blog is to update when ever you want :) it's all about you! ALSO the navigation bar should always be at the top or the side. I'd go with the top.

Also, on a side note. I would change "things I like" to something like " My interests" or "Hobbies" as if you want employers looking at it then it would sound and look more pro. :)
I wouldn't put your CV on there unless it's specifically targeted at someone. For instance if your a web designer who's in need of a job it might be ok, otherwise it's a bit of a security risk and unrelated to what the sites about.

CV's usually contain a shed load of information useful to an identity thief and if your putting family pictures up your just providing more and more info.

By all means put your CV up so you can direct someone to download it, but provide on the end a very difficult/random URL to a page/direct download to get it. Oh and don't put a link to it on anything public, including your site.
I wouldn't put your CV on there unless it's specifically targeted at someone. For instance if your a web designer who's in need of a job it might be ok, otherwise it's a bit of a security risk and unrelated to what the sites about.

CV's usually contain a shed load of information useful to an identity thief and if your putting family pictures up your just providing more and more info.

By all means put your CV up so you can direct someone to download it, but provide on the end a very difficult/random URL to a page/direct download to get it. Oh and don't put a link to it on anything public, including your site.

Thanks, totally see your point here :)

More ideas/suggestions welcome!
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