Perspective distortion..

Man of Honour
17 Feb 2003
Is there anything I can do to correct the vertical distortion at the rear tower?


I've used the distortion and correction tools in LR but this then puts the front tower out.

Something in Photoshop? I forget what it's called. I'm sure there's something like free transform that gives you a grid to manipulate how you'd need to.

Thanks I found this after what you suggested

Three are 2 ways.
The best, but most expensive so least used approach, is to buy a perspective correcting lens. Nikon sells these as PC lenses, canon as TS. This way you make the correction in the lens and so the sensor records the maximum detail.

The most commonly used approach is just to,use the perspective correction and distortion controls in light room or photoshop. It works well but does mean your image is stretched a little reducing detail and enlarging image defects like chromatic aberration. I suggest you use this but if architecture (or landscapes) is really something you get into then look at buying a PC lens.

I will do. Thanks :)
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