
4 Dec 2002
North Lincolnshire
Had an idea earlier due to the weather so thought I'd have a go at it. Basically I wanted to try and show a different perspective to a photo which might not be immediately obvious, but I have no idea if it works or not!

This is the result, the path on the edge of a cliff...

Walk into the sun... by jjohnson2012, on Flickr

Because of the low angle of the sun and the stepped shadows I assumed without reading that it was the roof of a building looking upwards at 30-45 degrees.

Just goes to show you!
Because of the low angle of the sun and the stepped shadows I assumed without reading that it was the roof of a building looking upwards at 30-45 degrees.

Just goes to show you!

Ditto!! :D

I thought you were meaning like the Prespective on the 'Activia Advert' on Telly where the Bottle is Mahoosive in the foreground and People are tiny in the Background, but they look like they are standing next to the Bottle on the same plane!! untill the end of the Ad!..
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