Petrol filler caps

6 Jun 2004
Just a quick query for you all,

To cut a long story short, Im doing a university project on queuing at petrol stations and just wondered first, what dictates which side the filler cap is on a car? and if there's no hard fast rule for it, could we have a poll please, Which side is your filler cap on: Right or Left.
Also do you only fillup on pumps that are next to your filler cap or do you stretch the pump over to the alternative side - Me for one gets annoyed when I see a huge queue for one side pumps, when the other side is completely empty because people dont think they can reach :confused:

On a side note, I was sat outside a petrol station last night for an hour or so and the manueveurs you see some people try to do is amazing... This one woman in a E320 CDI reversed from one queue, up against an adjacent queue, did a 5 point turn to turn around then a 180 curve around to a completely different queue that was the same length - narrowly avoiding incoming cars from the road!

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