pfft Versions, Cornerstone is here.


trying it now. No decent client for ages then all of a sudden everyone wants to make one.

meh, it is ok. Think I would rather have Versions.
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have you seen the compare window? definitely liking this, just got versions embedded perfectly into my work flow as well.

Not sure which I'm gonna go with, but some of the features of cornerstone, make versions feel a bit lightweight in comparison.

but the main thing is: no more svnX

thank god.
HOW MUCH?!?!??!?!?!

Sorry, but I ain't paying £30 + tax for a subversion client.
I agree that it might seem a bit much, but I can't grumble at paying that for 1.5 years worth of work from one developer.

I charge money for my services, I don't see why others shouldn't charge what they think they're worth. Fair enough to disagree, but no need for the indignant SUPER TEXT
I charge money for my services, too, and I agree that you should charge what you think you're worth, but it's still £30 for a subversion client which really can be done for free. It'd be like me spending a year and a half making an alternative to google then charging a £30 sign-up fee - no need!

And I'll use "indignant SUPER TEXT" when I damn well feel like it, thanks. Posts I make are mine and if I choose to make all my text big then I bloody-well will.
I charge money for my services, too, and I agree that you should charge what you think you're worth, but it's still £30 for a subversion client which really can be done for free. It'd be like me spending a year and a half making an alternative to google then charging a £30 sign-up fee - no need!

You can still use svnX for free or the command line. He's charging for a gui frontend to subversion. Hell, maybe we shouldn't pay for an OS and just type machine code when we want to do something on our computers.

Anyway, I didn't really want to start an arguement, I just wanted to point out some new software to people that it might interest.
Anyone use scplugin all the time? Although I can do pretty much anything witht e command line with svn, I'm too lazy to want to do it, and I LOVED the ease of tortoiseSVN on Windows. scplugin seems the closest OS X can get to that, but from when I last used it (a while ago) it seemed to lag finder abit... wondering if its improved since?

I don't fancy installing it only to find its still not great.
I've never used scplugin. I never really trusted something that piggy backs other system resources on OSX.
haha I was probably overzealous in my first post on this.

I have been using versions exclusively for a while now and I love it. my credit card is waiting to buy it.

Just wish I could have cornerstones diff viewer built into versions.
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