PFN_LIST corrupt

18 Oct 2002
Lo all,

I've got the 2x1GB Crucial ballistix kit and I've just started getting PFN_list corrupt error just before Windows crashes.

It seems to be a memory problem but I ran memtest86 last night and after 70 iterations it hadn't found any errors...

I know most people will say its the memory just because these kits have been going wrong recently, but they aren't overclocked or anything. seems odd that they would just die. I would like to make sure before I get them replaced...

any suggestions?


If you've still got the original memory, stick it back and see if the prob occurs again. If not, then the crucial is faulty and needs to be rma'd
This is all a bit odd. I've removed one of the sticks and media player is working now, but my dvd writer has stopped being able to read or write disks. It may be a faulty cable but its too much of a coincidence that this is all happening at the same time....

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