PFsense + Snort virtualisation

21 Nov 2010
Newton Aycliffe
Is it possible to virtualise PFsense + Snort together?
I have an old PE2850 id like to put them on, and use for a project. Iv never really done much virtualisation to this level, only normal VM's for normal OS.

If so how would you go about it?
It was mainly the NIC side of it that i have never had much involvement in virtualising, but sounds to be fairly simple looking into it.

Excellent, i shall give this a go then thanks.
So iv given this a quick go now, but I'm struggling with the NIC virtualisation as I'm only using 1 NIC
Is there a guide somewhere i can use for reference?
Yeh thats what I'm trying to do, iv had a look over at the PFSense forums and taken some pointers, but still struggling to get my head around how it's working.

If the worst comes to the worst ill whack another NIC in, but for now i'd like to try it this way!
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