PGR3 Gold Medal Cone Challenges

20 Apr 2004
I've finished the solo career on Silver and I'm going through again 'going for gold' as Henry Kelly would say. Now races, speed challenges etc I can do but I can't get anywhere near the kudos points needed on any of the cone challenges.

I've tried changing to the McLaren F1 and F50 GT but I still can't figure out how I'm supposed to do them.

Hehe, I'm happy to admit I'm pants but I'm stubborn so I want to do it. I'm trying to handbreak turn after every cone, I'm sliding and getting through every cone etc but I'm still only getting 50% of the kudos points. I'm obviously really missing something :)

So this is a cry for help; hints and tips please, or even better a video of someone doing one.
Lol, hands up, it's beat me.

Tried the RUF RTurbo, TVR Sagaris, and had my best attempt (trying Her Majestys Pleasure one) with 5000 kudos with the Ultima GTR on manual transmission and stuck in 2nd gear the whole way round.

Just can't figure it out. How slow is too slow to end the combo? Does going through a set of cones keep the combo up? Is it 2 seconds to do another kudos manuouvre before the combo ends?

I've got an 'A' rank in Kameo and found all the items, completed Condemned (100% achievements) but this ranks as the most infuriating thing I've tried thus far... lol... have to laugh really... been at it 2 hours now and aaaarrrrrggggggghhhhhhh!

.. ok .. one more try ..
Woop, finally done it.

I'd basically been a dumb ass and not only didn't understand how cone challenges worked, but how the whole kudos combo system worked. I was trying to slide between each set of cones and didn't know that just going through the cones at a good enough speed kept the combo up..

Anyway, thanks for the all advice :) You've saved my sanity and the mrs just said she feels she can come back in the room now ;)
A-n-d-y said:
Now its my turn to do these on gold :o

Good luck :)

My cone challenge car has ended up being the Ultima GTR with manual transmission and stuck in 2nd gear.

Heh, it works for me ;)
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