I am currently running a Phenom ii x2 555 its AM3 but on AM2+ motherboard so DDR2 and SATA2, so overdue for an upgrade several years ago. I am looking at new Motherboard, RAM and CPU and possibly cooler (currently have H50). I can keep my GPU,PSU, case, SSD for now.
I don’t want buy into DDR3 now so basically only option is Skylake which is fine (Haswell-E is too rich for me). I want to go for reasonably decent spec, thinking:
£150ish motherboard
2x16GB of RAM (to leave two lots free for later)
Unfortunately, I don’t have enough money for everything I want all at once. Since the CPU is the main cost I was debating getting the rest but throwing a Pentium G440 in at around £50 for time being, then swapping out for i7 in a few months.
I’d would be grateful for any thoughts or suggestions on this, is this a good strategy based on where I am to where I want to go, or should I wait until I have saved up enough and do it all at once?
I am currently running a Phenom ii x2 555 its AM3 but on AM2+ motherboard so DDR2 and SATA2, so overdue for an upgrade several years ago. I am looking at new Motherboard, RAM and CPU and possibly cooler (currently have H50). I can keep my GPU,PSU, case, SSD for now.
I don’t want buy into DDR3 now so basically only option is Skylake which is fine (Haswell-E is too rich for me). I want to go for reasonably decent spec, thinking:
£150ish motherboard
2x16GB of RAM (to leave two lots free for later)
Unfortunately, I don’t have enough money for everything I want all at once. Since the CPU is the main cost I was debating getting the rest but throwing a Pentium G440 in at around £50 for time being, then swapping out for i7 in a few months.
I’d would be grateful for any thoughts or suggestions on this, is this a good strategy based on where I am to where I want to go, or should I wait until I have saved up enough and do it all at once?