Philips 200W6 just arrived

13 Jun 2005
Once the monitor was set up an switched on I was shocked by the brilliance of it all - much too bright for comfort.
However Adobe Gamma has cured it - more or less.
Is this a usual experience when switching to LCD from CRT?

Also (not so surprising) all the trext on my office stuff - spreadsheets and text - was so tiny as to be almost unreadable at normal viewing distance. This is now cured by setting View/Zoom in applications.

I haven't looked at the CD contents yet - I just let Windows and nVidia sort it out. Has anyone with this screen found anything useful on the CD?

But all in all the screen so far looks great.
Glad you like it, i haven't touch the CD either. I have ultramon for dual monitor so i don't need anymore apps, as for the brightness, i got used to it now and it's great.
I got my philips yesterday everyting is fantastic, except a bit of back light bleed, I ordered 2 of them and they are the same, so I'm not too bothered, you can only realy see it looking at an entire black screen in the dark.

played battlefield in widescreen 180 x 1050, no ghosting at all, the colours are so much better than my old crt, playing "battle of britain" map, never knew it was so green before

I've been sitting on the fence for months now, really happy with the screen.

I knew the text would be small so I've been getting used to it at a high res on my old crt (1280x1024 on a 17"crt), I couldn't go back to a small resolution now, you can barely get 1 window shown at a time with 1024x768

The cd has the screen drivers, and a philips app so adjust the screen i believe, I loaded it on, then forgot about it, never ran it yet.
here are some screen shots as requested

You can only really see the bleed with a black screen, any thing else on screen and it's not bad at all

It's a very fast panel, you can scroll up and down the forum with no bluring

Hope this helps, (sorry Vince for slightly hijacking) but we've got to help the people who are still deciding on the Philips (took me since it came out to go for it) Shame it's back up in price again
I think its down to luck whether or not you get bad bleed or not. I have the same monitor and just checked again (about 2 weeks after getting the monitor) and it isnt nowhere near as servre as the 3rd pic above. Mine is slight bleed at top left and bottom right. I really think cameras exagerate(sp?) the bleed to be honest
It's not too bad, I had to set the exposure slower to capture any bleed on the camera, auto just showed a black screen

I have not really changed any settings on the screen either yet, so that may be making the situation worse

Don't let the pictures put you off, when you have a film even with black boarders, you can not see the bleed, the biggest problem is that you go looking for it, if you did'nt know about it you would not even see it at all

also looking at picture 3 again at work on a crt it just looks like a black screen, so maybe the picture is brighter (worse looking), looking at it on the philips screen, due to the wonderfull brightness and colour reproduction (I think I have my Philips brightness/contrast set at 50%/50%).

I've just increased the brightness on my office crt, and now i can clearly see the light bleed in picture 3, so there is no way to compare the light bleed pictures on your own screen, as the screens brightness dictates how bad the light bleed picture looks

so I guess it depends on how your currect screen is setup (how bright etc.. to how the light bleed pictures look)
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Thanks for that flip, it seems the backlight issue is nowhere near as dramatic as I thought. Looking at those pics, there really is hardly anything to see. So now I'm kicking myself for not buying one when it was on special :p Looks like I'll be waiting for the NEC to come down in price now...
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