Phobya Nano-G 12 PWM 1500rpm RED LED (g5) mini review

5 Feb 2009
N. Ireland
Leading on from this thread....
i was lucky enought to be selected to review the above fans.

Right-o, so here is my effort at a review for the......

2x Phobya Nano-G 12 PWM 1500rpm RED LED (g5)

I'll ask you all to forgive the pic quality, I only had the iphone at hand to take them with....apologies

First off I'll say that I quite liked the packaging, found it to be quite eye-catching!!



when I opened the purdy boxes I'll be honest and say that I thought that the Phobya's felt a bit flimsy-don't want to use the word cheap as that doesn't seem fair as they do look the part. It's just that in comparison to the vipers, they didn't really have the same 'feel' of quality.

But at the end of the day it's not really how the 'feel' that matters, as no-one is going to be groping them up while they are in use :p

So onto the testing, I kept the test very simple, as I'm a very simple chap.....

I ran prime for 30 mins using the existing fans (vipers) which are on a venomous x in push/pull, swapped over and did the same with the Phobya's...

So here we have the Vipers....


Next up we have the Phobya's (obviously!!)


I appreciate this isn't a perfect review as the Vipers are only 1200rpm compared the 1500rpm Phobya's, but i had wanted to see how a set of 1500rpms would compare to a set of 1200

i noted the vipers ran at nearly full tilt from almost the moment prime was started(i did take a screen shot but must not have actually saved it!!-sorry i can be a bit special like that, especially on a friday night!!)

anyway after half an hour as you can see there are no real differences in temps, however the Phobya's achieved the temps with a much lower rpm. as a result they were considerably quieter.

now i'll have to admit the results (albeit in a not perfect test) surprised me, as i was expecting the Vipers to be the better fan, especially when they were running at full speed most of the time. the one thing that i didn't do for this review, but i may do at the weekend and add the results, was force the Phobya's to run at similar speed to the Vipers for the 30 minute duration just to see what kind of temps i get.

**i'd hazard a guess that the phobya's will obviously generate better temps but may be considerably noisier, as i did have them running at full speed and they sounded like hoovers!!** please note this is only a guess and not yet proven

edit. didn't realise the vipers were actually 1900rpm fans. so they weren't actually running at full whack, but they still had to run at a higher speed to achieve the same level of cooling as the phobya's

finally just going to drop in a couple of shots of the Phobya's fitted....

sorry about the rainbow of colours....meant to turn of the other led fans but forgot to!!



hope this was at least slightly interesting or helpful to someone-so now y'all can begin picking flaws!!!:p
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