Phone Help!? Not Mobile!

26 Dec 2004
Hi guys.

i ring my girlfriend everyday, when im at college and at home when im out it tends to be my mobile, when home house phone i can only ring her on her mobile as she lives in a three floored house and her bedroom is top floor, and theres no phones up there. right so i top up my mobile a lot to ring her, but i use house phone to ring her when i get in...

but as you can tell the house phone bill last month for the three of us was over 100 pounds? :(

i believe thats a lot? any ideas on priceplans or anything i could try to get my mum and dad interested in? i dont want to have to stop ringing her, thats not gonna happen its just gonna be expensive bills.

Go and see her?

Call less?

Friends and fambilly?

Buy phone cards and us a payphone (BT Baracus Stylee)?

hmm well, she doesnt uise the net much shes always going bed like 9ish when she gets in we talk til like 10 ish about an hour a night, so she dont get time much to go on the net.

Get a mobile phone with free minutes on it?

hmm would do... but they'd be used like water.

go and see her?

an hour away on train :(
Neon said:
an hour away on train :(

Law and I stayed together for 2 1/2 years whilst three hours apart. Phonecalls every other or every third day and MSN aplenty = win.

Now we're about 12 feet apart and it rocks.

shes nearly 19, she has to get up at 5.45... her bus takes 45 mins to get to her work, she then works through til 5.30/6pm comes home gets home at 7.15 ish, has tea, relaxes then goes back to bed, hows that being 9 years old?
probably depends if she wants to though, im not sure, might just have to use the phone, and pay for the phone bill myself?
Well if she's nineteen and working full time, she can surely afford to call you or get a cordless house phone?

Even more so if she's living at her 'rents.

not really mate, would rather not go into money terms with you, it is private and i would tell you but not on here. sorry.
Uhm. Get her to call you once in a while...

/hears whip crack in the distance... (sounds about an hour away...)

Ant :cool:
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