I currently use a SE k800i, and want to replace the phone this week with something a bit newer. I travel a lot, so ideally i'd like a nice, easy to use mp3 and video playback system, as i tend to listen to a lot of audiobooks when on the go, and would also like to be able to watch movies as well. I'd also like it to be capable of storing lots of data as a result. The camera quality isn't of so much importance, but i wouldn't want it to be much worse than my current k800i tbh. Touch screen would be nice as i've never had one before. Also, i had an n95 previously, and i found it's menu system very slow/unresponsive, and it use to drive me mad, so i'd like a smooth user interface. I'm COMPLETELY out of the loop when it comes to the latest mobile phone models, so any help appreciated.