Phones that will run Tomtom (like the M500)?

18 Oct 2002
A friend has the M500 on Orange.

Is it possible to get this phone given that I have 02 and Vodafone? I'd like to get it but someone said that it was Orange only.

Do O2 / Vodafone have their own equivalents? Is the M500 the best one to get?

I know nothing about these kinds of phones! I'd just like to run TomTom and have my calendar on my phone!

The Orange M500 is simply a rebadged HTC Magician platform. It's also known as the iMate Jam and QTek S100/S110. O2 sell it as the XDA Mini, Vodafone sell it as the VPA and T-Mobile sell it as the MDA Compact II.

I have the O2 XDA Mini S which is similar to that phone but has a keyboard and WiFi. I love it to bits.

EDIT: TomTom runs fine on it but you may want to wait for the new HTC Atom (O2 XDA Atom) to come out as it's running the new Windows Mobile 2005 and has WiFi).
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Thanks for the info, didn't realise they all sold their own versions of the same phone!

I probably wont wait for the new one as I wont be on contract so it would be very expensive. Will probably just pick up one of the XDA's at auction over the next few months!
I've tried the voices but they annoy the hell out of me after a while so I just go back to Tim :p
Desmo said:
I've tried the voices but they annoy the hell out of me after a while so I just go back to Tim :p

Normal voices i'm probably going to stick with that first US lass, or get some super sexy voice to direct me ;) good for a laugh
As Leo said, you'll want a bluetooth GPS receiver. Can range from £40-100 depending on what you go for. If you can afford one from the upper end of the scale, try and get one with the Sirfstar III chipset.
i'd try and get a touch screen phone like the m500 for tomtom, makes it far easier (and more importantly safer as it's quicker and requires less attention) to adjust things whilst moving than trying to operate fiddly little buttons whilst it's attatched on the dash with a small screen.

I personally use the m500 with the BT-77 and tomtom 5.21, which does the job very nicely :)

LeoWyatt said:
Would it be possible to get and use US maps too?

I have QTek 9000 (JasJar/M5000 etc) with UK, Canada/Alaska and Lowell, MA (a city near Boston) loaded on mine.

You can't plot a route between seperate maps ie I can't plot a route from Canada to Lowell. However the whole of the USA & Canada/Alaska can be purchased in one, but I don't know if it would be possible to plot a route crossing the various regions of the USA (west coast, mid-west etc) as they are usually available seperately. It all depends on how TomTom have configured the map files (all USA & Canada/Alaska is 1.4GB!)
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Ah well i'll get the CA map that is all i'll need at the moment.

I would get an SD card but it takes RS-MMC and they largest size is 1gig.
I have a P910i with a BT-77, runs superbly.

Alhough I need a cig. adaptor for the P910i as TomTom kills the battery!
TomTom on my N70 actually seems to last quite a while. I did an almost 4 hours round-trip the other week and only used quarter of the battery from a full charge.
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