Photo and video editing desktop

6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
Hi all, looking at getting the other half a new system for editing photos and eventually videos. Current setup is old and had no issue with old D700 photos and not really any trouble with the D810, however the new Z8 and A.I. functions are killing it.

It'll run Windows + lightroom + Photoshop

I'm thinking ssd with win10/11
2 x 6tb drives for storage and backups
Motherboard and CPU
Cheap case
32gb ram

Cheap gfx card as my understanding is it's all mostly CPU intensive, but it would nice to be able to upgrade to top graphics card if the software starts using it.

Doesn't have to look pretty. I've monitors, keyboards and mice.

Budget from £1k but could go up to £2k at a push.

Any suggestions or feedback on what to look at?
Thanks for all the comments, I've been away with zero phone signal, but seems I've a lot to go through

We do professional photography and video is more just playing around at the moment. Active adobe subscription so it's always the latest version.

I do my backups manually over a few file servers + offsite so not too worried about that element.
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