Photo databases / libraries & iPhoto??

5 Nov 2004
Ok so I recently got an iMac and I am looking at using iPhoto. Now before the bombardment of don't use iPhoto etc etc etc its worth while noting that I no longer use Lightroom. I do all my editing now only in Photoshop so I don't want that bringing up.

I wonder whats best should anyone else have gone an iPhoto route on how to organise files. I am thinking folder structures?

Just to play with I have imported my entire photo hard drive partition and I am not completely sold on it so I looking for how others may approach this.

I've only just started to think about how to organise stuff now I've go a camera I'll actually use now.

Can claim a copy of Lightroom for free but have been using iPhoto so far and it's not too bad so maybe Aperture would be better?
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