Photo Editing

4 Nov 2010
Can't say I've posted here before, but I'm a long-time lurker.

I've been taking photos for a long time, and appear to have 'the knack' that we all understand. I ran a wedding photography business for some time, which was relatively successful.

My problem, which I am running to you guys for advice on, is regarding post-production.

I've had several workflows, using Lightroom/Aperture/Photoshop, and while I have the organisation down to a fine art, the style that comes through in my pictures is something I'm not at all a fan of. Everything feels over-edited, over-saturated, unnatural.

Rather than post examples, and have you critique, I was wondering if anyone had any useful resources for their editing technique, or general advice on how you approach edits? Absolutely appreciate the help.
without seeing your edits we cant possibly comment.
You say you ran a business and can do it all, surely you should be able to get the basics of lightroom down and know what to correct to get a look your happy with/have seen elsewhere?

and if not then maybe you should look at how you shoot and maybe go ETTR for the brighter/less editing look.

Style is totally subjective.
The answer is quite simple, edit it until you are happy with it.

If you feel it is over edited then stop, if you think it is over saturated, stop.

Why are they over edited in the first place? If the composition is good, the photograph tell a story to begin with, exposed correctly, then it is a matter of white balance, horiztonals and apply your feel to it.
for the brighter/less editing look.

I think this is the key.

I'd say that I understand the programs and editing basics, but I am never happy with the outcome, never achieving the texture from the pictures that I want. The further I edit, the less happy I am, often resulting in me resetting the image and starting again/leaving in frustration.

Quick couple, not my best work but definitely didn't like the editing of these at all -
I think you are probably over analysing things and getting a bit hung up on your own work. I don't really see anything wrong with the Post work done on those four images you have posted. The one of the boy has a good deal of contrast and saturation, but the motion blur of the image would make it quite plain if it was more neutral.

I think you are probably just being your greatest critic, its likely a good idea to share your photos to get some feedback.
To be honest I don't think you have an editing problem, the shots you posted are perfectly fine in that regard (though 1+2 look underexposed)

Maybe you just have a composition problem? I know there not your best but 4 has something on the ground in shot (remove in LR) and 2 is crazy busy (tighter crop?)
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