Photo manipulation

messiah khan said:
Get Photoshop, and a decent photoshop book is my advice. Google for some tutorials as well. But learn the ins and outs of Photoshop first.
Oops, probably shoulda mentioned I am already the owner of photoshop cs2 and also have fair experience in it.

Mainly looking for links for resources/tutorials to learn from.
Photoshop is an extension of my arm.

I never picked up a single book on it. I learnt everything myself from a few online tutorials and playing about with settings.

I cannot stress enough how flexible photoshop is, just dive in there and experiment with anything and everything. You'll soon start to piece together what does what, and what you need to do in order to achieve a certain effect. :)
As iCraig said; you should just jump in there and practice using everything.

I also learnt everything myself and by usng a few tutorials first you can get the gist of what you need to do to acheive certain results.
Beepcake said:
The guys and gals in the Photography forum will be a mine of information and help if you want to post in there :)
90% of my post count is in taht forum, I knew I would get better results posting here, not a lot of people are photoshop crazy in that sub-forum.

Thx iCraig. I have also self taught myself most software that is complicated like photoshop. In a way it's better than reading a book to learn becuase you are more creative and streth the boundaries further and expirement a lot more to try and find the effect you want/need.

Keep the posts/links coming :D
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