Photobox canvas size help

20 Oct 2002
I'm trying to make a collage canvas print for my girlfriend and getting quite annoyed. We have 72 images we want to put on their 60x30cm canvas (landscape). So that's 12 across, and 6 down.

Photobox's canvas collage maker seems to be utterly pants with no way of sorting them neatly in a row, or even easily adding 72 pictures! If anyone knows a way then please shout..

So I've gone for setting up the print first myself, then uploading to Photobox. Although being fairly proficient in PS I found there's a decent collage tool in Picasa which has done exactly what we wanted. Sorted them by name, slapped them down on a canvas of what size I wanted, cropped/sized them all fairly well and let me put an easy white border in between. So far, so neat.

But I'm confused with Photoboxes sizes.. As you go through the product page to canvases, it says 60cm x 30cm. But on the product 'maker' thing it says 61cm x 30.5 cm. I've tried both ratios in Picasa when making the file, but they both end up being too 'large' for Photobox and it crops them on the 'maker' :confused: As it's a collage we don't want them to wrap so I've turned that off.. but still. Why the hell won't it just 'fit' :confused:

EDIT: Photobox uploader currently not working which is useful.. My image is 5120x2560 (2:1) and my canvas is either 60x30 or 61x30.5 both of which are 2:1 anyway! Argh :mad:
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