Photobox - Maximum order size

24 Aug 2003
I've recently returned from a year long world trip, I took loads of photos and having sorted through them want to get these printed off.

Although photobox claim to give you "unlimited upload space for orders" - do you think they will complain to the 6GB of data my photos occupy? (what my ISP will say is another matter :) )

Anyone have any experience of this? Can you send orders in on (multiple) DVDs?
You are paying them, i'm sure they can accomodate you although it might be worth calling them first, i'd want REALLY special rates for that ammount of photos!
You have a limited amount of space for photos on Photobox, but there's a "temp print album" to which you can upload unlimited amounts, but it only stays there for 2 weeks.
If you really want to, you can buy more space from them - I wouldn't bother though.
As for order sizes, I doubt they'll blink an eye. The biggest order I've placed with photobox was for nearly 2000 prints - and it all just went as normal. Postman may not have been too chuffed, but hey ho!

If your ISP has a FUP or similar, you could be best off to start the upload when you go to bed, and let it run through the night.
Can you reduce the file size down to something more manageable ?
Unless you are printing bigger than 10x8 then a 500k file will enough.
Thanks for the replys, I'll e-mail them and see what they say. Discount certainly sounds good :)

SDK^ said:
Can you reduce the file size down to something more manageable ?
Unless you are printing bigger than 10x8 then a 500k file will enough.
Hadn't thought about that option :)
I'll be printing at the "normal" size - 6x4 (?), What resolution should I shrink them to (they've all been shot on an A70 - 3MP)?
Never had a problem before max i've done is 2.5GB tho. Best to send it into them on a disk. But personally i've started using my local Costco for prints they are about the same if not cheaper and also have excellent quality Fuji Frontier (set up correctly)

I'd personally leave the files alone it does make a difference IMHO and to be honest your camera on it's highest setting produces <2mb sized images.

Which means you took around 3000+ images you busy sod! It was a holiday not a photography outing :D
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MajorPart said:
Which means you took around 3000+ images you busy sod! It was a holiday not a photography outing :D

Very good guess :D

8 months was spent in Whistler working and snowboarding - took about 900 pics
next 3 months was backpacking around Thailand, Australia and New Zealand - and I took about 2300 pictures.

Panoramas were the main cause of my high number of photos - 27 in Thailand, 54 in Aus and 146 in NZ. I've spent the last month stitching them all together. Photobox are going to be busy :)

My girlfriend also took about 2000 pictures.

There is a Costco in Reading, but they don't do Photos (yet), website says this may change in the coming weeks.
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