Photographic Magazines

I used to buy practical photography, but then i find magazines are only good for so much or only can take you so far when you are learning. The rest is just practice, sometimes i flick through it in WH Smith but thats about it.
I buy the odd mag now and then for an evening read or whathaveyou but generally, as Raymond says, its better to spend the time practicising rather than learning theory. At least that's what I find, and it's certainly more enjoyable that way.
There's also LOADS of stuff on the internet, and while you always have to do careful for information given out by randoms photography-related stuff tends to be pretty handy. I've been looking for tips on IR photography lately with a variety of different filters and Google turned up some very handy info, so it definitely can be useful.
I read Photography Monthly ... but only 'cos I get it for free ;)

I find that photo magazines are usualy good for a bit of inspiration (seeing other peoples photography) or for locations but I don't ever read anything earth shatteringly revealing in them. I'd never trust ANY magazine's reviews, I know from first hand experience how advertising revenvue can have an effect on these sort of things ;)
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