Photographs ( My recent odds n sods )

5 Nov 2004
Hello everybody,
Heres another recent batch of photographs of mine that I thought I would share for viewing.
I never really seem to just post the odd shot anymore so I just do a batch every now and then.

If you want to view any of my other work then please go to This has the majority of my work on it while I still attempt to construct my own website.

Here are the selection of pictures (15 images, so warning for 56k'ers)

Image 1. "Take me home"


Image 2. "Trapped"


Image 3. "Final Flight of 815"


Image 4. "Over the hill"


Image 5. "Giving God my time"

I really appreciate the feedback there pete. Both the portrait and car shot have a story behind it.

The car shot is only there because I went to look at a M6 over the weekend and just thought Id upload it for a personal reason. When it comes to motorsport I do pan a car in full view.. Although I didnt with this one and regret it coz It was gorgeous. But I only caught it for a few ticks.

The portrait of Keke Rosberg I probably doesnt work well for the soft reason but he was signing an autograph and I guess I wanted the picture to come across like that. I couldnt of got any book he was signing in the shot due to the crowd..

Critic duely noted thanks :)

Puz. Thanks for all your feedback too :)

I didnt expect for any critic but damn thanks for such indepth per image.

I can honestly say I wasnt aware of the problems with image 1 !!! How I missed that is just terrible. I tell you what that was. It took me a long time to get this image as I needed to adjust my angle to allow plenty of light to get a good Long exposre in IR on my canon camera (due to the lack of IR ability in the Canon range)
My 17 - 40 was getting a lot of flare with the supplied hood so I had to use the 100 - 400's hood and zoom out to about 28mm.. so thats what you can see!! (not anymore, ive edited it out now. Thanks Glich :) )

I will bare this critic in mind and try and apply all this new feedback to my next batch of photographs.

I think you read my page wrong mate. Im getting a 5D converted to IR next year. Im using a 30D at the moment :)
You can do it to almost any camera. a 5D is a push. I was going to do it to my 20D but it had to get replaced. I'l prob look for a used one and pay to get it done.

$350 for them to convert your SLR for you. $250 for a nikon model.

Or pay for the hot mirror $95 and do it yourself.
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