Photography Advise

7 May 2006
Hey everyone

I've been thinking for a while to start getting into Photography. I'm a amateur at the moment but do enjoy photography and have been thinking lately to take it another step further and start practicing more and maybe if I enjoy it enough look into a starting a business as I’ve always dreamed of working for myself.

The question I am really asking is I need to get a good camera with the equipment (lenses, tripod and printer) to start me off. Now I have seen the Canon EOS 350D which I know is probable one of the best out at the moment but its expensive I think for my first really good camera. I think basically what I am asking is I need a camera which will be up to the standard of what a photographer would use at a wedding plus what lens of course.

If this has made any sense :p and someone would like to give me some advise on where to start, what I should need and any tips or tricks (website as well ;) )

It’s not really that I have a budget in mind its more that I don’t really know what I should buy to start me off. I mean if everyone said to me save you're money and get the 350d as that’s the worth the money or these reason x,y,z then I probable would get that. But if there's a camera that’s reasonably to the same level and half the cost then would make sense to me to get that one instead if you get what i mean :D
Cheers guys. Well i have a little time on my hands tonight....... (Working A good old night shift :D ) i ll have a look at a few camera and post them here see any from the selection stand out as a option.
Originally Posted by Duggan
I mean if everyone said to me save you're money and get the 350d as that’s the worth the money or these reason x,y,z then I probable would get that. But if there's a camera that’s reasonably to the same level and half the cost then would make sense to me to get that one instead if you get what i mean.

Sorry when I said the 350d I meant the CANON EOS 5D even :rolleyes: (i must need sleep or something) thou I have been looking the 350d as a possible starter I am guessing that the pro's use the CANON EOS 5D or there about. Is any one a photographer here and what cameras do you use, what results do you get?
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