photography books for beginners

31 Oct 2005
Just wondering if anyone can recommend any?

Currently have a Fuji F10 but im wanting to upgrade in the next year hopefully, preferably to one with a better optical zoom. I've gone through the links in the sticky thread but i'd much prefer to read a book that covers everything in one go if possible. Im stil a new with aperture/shutter speeds to be honest, i've took a few photos which im proud of however theres always those shots which i think will turn out great...and dont.

Also has anyone tried these yet?

Tempted to try the compact version as theres always one of those moments where i realise my hand is too darn shaky to take a decent photo at night.

Thanks :)

{sorry if the link goes against the rules, couldnt find anything on there which conflicts with OcUK}
even if it sounds stupid, but I bought a book called 'digital photography for dummies' a couple of weeks ago. Think it is really got, explains really everything. Especially the shutter speed, ISO and aperture...
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